
标准船舶口令--Standard engine orders
1.Standard engine orders
Any engine order given should be repeated by the person operating the bridge telegraph(s) and the officer on watch should ensure the order is carried out correctly and immediately.
Order Meaning
1.Full ahead   前进三(全速前进) Maximum manoeuvring engine revolutions for ahead propulsion
2.Half ahead   前进二(半速前进) Revolutions as indicated in ship’s orders
3.Slow ahead   前进一(慢速前进) Revolutions as indicated in ship’s orders
4.Dead slow ahead  微速前进 Revolutions as indicated in ship’s orders
5.Stop engine(s)    停车 No engine revolutions
6.Dead slow astern  微速后退 Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
7.Slow astern    后退一(慢速后退) Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
8.Half astern    后退二(半速后退) Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
9.Full astern    后退三(全速后退) Revolutions as indicated ship’s orders
10.Emergency full ahead    急速前进
11.Emergency full astern    急速后退
12.Stand by engine  备车 Engine-room personnel fully ready to manoeuvre and bridge manned to relay engine orders
13.Finished with engine(s)  用车完毕 Movement of engine(s) no longer required
上一篇:标准船舶口令--1   下一篇:标准船舶口令-3